Wednesday, July 16, 2008

no respect

You are reading

PLEASE, take flame wars off list!

Take it to General Meeting, Radio Board, Board of Regents, Board of
Bored White Guys, Whatever!

NOBODY who volunteers or is paid at KUNM is ever fully appreciated,
respected or thanked. Some aren't even acknowledged as humans! Morale
sucks and many seem to think their own needs outweigh the needs for

Everybody feels rectally probed, from Richard Towne to the maintanance staff.

Nobody has privacy or a place to play, exercise or let off steam. It's
a radio station, not a national park.

Hell, I was told I could no longer use the (pre-rennovation) VOLUNTEER
ROOM computer to research news stories because a staff member didn't
like having to see me when she came in for a cup of coffee! There
weren't enough computers in the newsroom, and it was too chaotic
(under a previous news "director") for me to concentrate. I was left
with no place to produce news for the news dept.!

Nobody has chairs, access to the copier, staplers, or anything else
they need without unlocking fifty million locks, wandering from office
to office to beg or filing requests to UNM in gazilliplicate. The only
thing efficient about a university radio station, apparantly, is we
always have toilet paper. I'm not even sure about THAT!

The station's off limits to ALL of us, because a few sociopathic thugs
steal and break everything that isn't locked down.

Most kids -- and adults -- on the planet are working every morning for
subsistance wages or as slave labor. Nobody ever thanks them. They
don't have electricity to plug in a tv. This includes a LOT of people
in New Mexico.

See quote in my signature, below.

Rogi Riverstone
PWD Powered Radio Blog

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and
neither do we."
-- President George W. Bush, August 5, 2004.

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