Thursday, July 15, 2004

to another volunteer

You are reading

Well, HEY A!

I thought R didn't get my email! MSNTV's been funky lately.

Well, if you rummage around my blogs, you'll see I'm in a "WHOA!" state of mind these days.

I can't believe this is MY life!

I won't go into gorey details. But that little confrontation you saw in the hall that day was a sample of the um situation in the newsroom.

I was banned from the newsroom. Nothing I produce for news will EVER be aired again. I cannot use newsroom equipment, etc.


So, I'm now the reporter for Women's Focus! Tah, dah! Full access to the station, equipment, etc. :)

I'm beginning to work with Radio Theater, too. I have two, solid script ideas, right off the bat.

Mostly, though, I'm limping along, TRYING to be an indy producer, without a friggin' MiniDisc recorder. It is, to say the least, a CHALLENGE!

I asked for your email addy to keep you in my book. I have NO idea what I'm up to, but YOU, my dear, are a treasure. And I keep all bright, shiny objects.

So, remember that I keep you in mind. You're very resourceful. You have tremendous people skills. I've learned a helluva lot from you in a VERY few, short interactions.

I can offer nothing in return at the present, but I hope to keep you around.

There will, of course, be future projects. I'll be contacting you about possible collaborations.

To tell you the truth, the BEST thing that's happened to me, since I began volunteering at KUNM, was my banishment from the newsroom. As a result, some quite substantial veterans have volunteered as my allies, advocates, advisors, friends. They've loaned me equipment. They tutor me. They turn me on to pitches and leads. They hang out at my house and eat all my food. They take my dog and I for walks. They get drunk with me (on ONE occasion, mind you!). They buy me food. They hug me, tease me, comfort me and cheer for me. They take me places and introduce me to people.

My email box is full of messages from people I've respected for as long as I've been listening to KUNM!

I'm totally blown away! My life is TOTALLY different, in less than a year.

I'm so grateful, I often find myself in tears.

So, hang in there. We'll hook up for a project one day.

Now, to learn grant writing.....

Thank you,

Rogi Riverstone

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